Traffic Court

Be Prepared for Court

Get to the Courthouse early and give yourself enough time to get through security. Bring all necessary documents to explain your case if they are needed. Do not bring your children if possible.

Fight a Georgia Traffic Ticket

In Georgia, you can plead “not guilty" in traffic court and fight your ticket if you do not believe you were in violation of Georgia traffic law. Check your traffic ticket for instructions or contact the Clerk’s Office for a one-time deferment.

NOTE: If you plan to contest your traffic ticket, you might want to consider speaking to an attorney that specializes in traffic or criminal offenses to help your case.

Know the Point Value of Your Violation

In Georgia, the Department of Drivers’ Services maintains a list of points for certain violations. That list is available here

Traffic Payments

Traffic payments are accepted prior to your court date by mail (money order) or online. All online payments are assessed a convenience fee. If you are paying on the day of your court date, you will be given a ‘green’ slip that outlines all the important information about your case and the payment ordered by the judge, Bring the green slip with you to the Clerk’s Office when making your payment. No personal checks are accepted for payment.